Welcome and 2025 Kick Off

Welcome to the Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club official website.  As our hunting season starts to wind down, we’re heading into another dog training season.  PVHRC elected several new officers and board members during our January annual meeting, so we’re excited to start a New Year with several new members elected to lead the organization into 2025 and 2026.

What are your goals for this year?  Are you starting a new pup?  Looking to make the big leap from Started to Seasoned?  Getting ready to run Finished and earn that Championship?  Or maybe things just got a little loose during hunting season?  Regardless of where you are at in your training, if you live along the Colorado Front Range or Eastern Plains and your goal is a better hunting dog then PVHRC is for you.  Make sure to check out the Calendar section of the website.  PVHRC has a busy year planned with 3 Hunt Tests, 6 Training Days, and multiple opportunities to get together and help you achieve your training goals for your 4-legged partners.

Lead by Joe Olson, we’ll be doing the Started dog class again this year, in conjunction with training days starting in March.  If you’re new to training or just starting out with a new pup, take advantage of those classes and training days.  They provide good information and are also a good way to start meeting folks and getting involved with the club. 

Lastly, circle August 2nd on your calendar.  That will be the date of our annual picnic/auction.  It’s a big fundraiser for the club, but more importantly, a good time — and again, a way to meet others and be involved.  Hope to see everyone there.

Have you paid your annual membership dues yet?  If not, you can do so online now.  It’s never been easier.  Go to the Membership page and scroll to the bottom to pay via PayPal. If you miss your annual dues, you’ll also miss any future communications and opportunities to participate in club events.

In closing, I ask everyone to look for opportunities to help and volunteer whether it’s during a club hunt test or a training day, we are a club built on many people coming together to help put on several great events.

I look forward to seeing everyone out training soon and actively participating in Platte Valley HRC events with your fellow handlers.

Rudy Krupka, PVHRC President