PVHRC Members in the HRC Members Point Clubs
Point Clubs are an HRC recognition program which is administered by the HRC Secretary. Memberships in the HRC Point Clubs Recognition Program are exclusive to current members of HRC, Inc.
This program recognizes HRC Members for their support of Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. through their membership and who own dogs achieving 500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 UKC Championship points in the HRC Hunt Test & Upland Hunt Programs.
PVHRC members who qualify for HRC point clubs must register at the HRC Point Club website.
PVHRC members achieving HRC point club standing include the following distinguished owners and their retrievers. If you achieve HRC point club honors, make sure to advise the club web master so you can join the honor roll here.
Dave Marsteller and Buck
He was at 560 points at the time of his passing. He was simply a Buck of a lifetime.
Mike Brockman and Mojo
On Saturday, August 22 at Elkhorn Valley’s Hunt Test, “Mojo” (HRCH UH Sheep Creek Mojo) earned his 500 Point ribbon. This was a very difficult year to enter and run tests because of the COVID 19 pandemic. If the clubs had a test at all, it was full within a few minutes of opening for entries because there were so few tests being held everyone was clamoring to get entered. Regardless, Mojo and I persevered and entered every test possible, including those in eastern Nebraska with the goal of getting 500 points this summer. He has passed 88% (23 of 26) of his tests since earning his first Finished pass and I couldn’t be much more pleased (100% would be very pleasing!). He is such a great pet, companion and hunting retriever. We love the little fella and hope to continue building many more memories together.
David Heldt and Amos
Amos has been a fun dog to train and run in the hunt tests. He proved himself as a young pup getting his started title at 7 1/2 months. We did have our struggles along the way but in the end we succeeded in getting our 500 points. I am proud of Amos and how far he has come.
I want to thank everyone for helping me in his training and all the support from the club members and my friends who have helped me.
Joe Olson and Sadie

Kevin and Barb Eskam’s dog Jake

Barb Eskam and Blaze
Kevin and Barb Eskam and Ike

Kevin Eskam and Jedi
Dan Feighert and Shadow
Dan and Shadow achieved 500 points at the Central Rockies Upland Test in March 2013. Shadow’s full name and titles are HRCH UH Dakota’s Midnight Blue Raven.
Rich Carpenter and Din
Rich and Din achieved 500 points at the PVHRC’s fall test in Cheyenne August 2012. Din’s full name and titles are HRCH UH Roux’s MacSky Gunga Din. From Rich:
Even though I’ve been running dogs in HRC tests since 1986, I still get nervous in the holding blind and on the line. So, it’s probably just as well that my accounting skills were faulty and I thought Din was almost a hundred points away from a 500 point jacket, when he actually exceeded 500 points at our PV August 2012 hunt in Cheyenne. So I didn’t have a chance to get extra nervou I didn’t realize he’d earned the 500 points until I was reading the HUNTING RETRIEVER magazine in November and was shocked to see his name listed. So I never had a picture of us taken for the occasion. But as much fun as he has hunting I’m sure the pheasant in the pic is more exciting to him than a ribbon. Din has been a very talented and hard running dog, and fast enough that his old owner has a hard time being quick enough on the whistle. Sometimes on the line with Din I feel like the bucket might be a powder keg with a short fuse lit. ; ) But, he’s more relaxed to hunt with. Din’s sire is my old dog, Roux. I was happy to see Din reach 500 points, so that other than Roux’s last litter, which doesn’t yet have any dogs old enough to run Finished, each of the litters Roux sired has produced a 500 point dog trained and run by a Platte Valley HRC member. I’d guess at least one of that last letter will hit 500 with four of them owned by PVHRC members.
Lee Ann and David Heldt and Striker
Lee Ann and David Heldt worked with Striker all the way through the 500, 1000, and 1500 HRC point clubs. Striker’s full name and titles are HRCH UH Heldt’s Mr Strike 3 Your Out. From Lee Ann:
Striker was born September 19, 2002. He has always showed a great desire to play the hunting and retrieving games. He loves to please and he has an excellent temperament.
In the beginning he achieved his Started (SHR) title by 11 months of age in August 2003. Then he went on to get his Seasoned (HR) title in August of 2004 and in March 2005 he received his UH title (happens to be the same day that Hunter, his sire received his UH title); and his HRCH championship in June of 2005 at the Panhandle test. Striker accomplished this before reaching the age of three.
At Platte Valley’s 20th “Anniversary test in August 2006, Striker received his 500 points. He never failed an HRC test the whole season and in my opinion there were some pretty hard tests out there! This was accomplished right before turning four years of age!
On May 16, 2009, Platte Valley’s Spring test, Striker received his 1000 points. He was the third golden retriever to achieve this. Striker has had the opportunity to run in several Grand tests. Although he has not accomplished a Grand Pass he did pretty well!
Striker now is in the 1500 point club. He earned this accomplishment at Hidden Pines test on June 2, 2012. He and one other golden retriever are in the 1500 point club currently. We are very proud of his accomplishments and the fact that he is one of two goldens to reach this goal is pretty phenomenal. There just aren’t many goldens of this caliber around!
Mike Schwan and Lucas
Mike Schwan and Lucas achieved 500 points at the PVHRC fall hunt test in Cheyenne in August 2012. Lucas’ full name and titles are HRCH UH Lucas of Loveland. From Mike:
I am proud to finally achieve 500 HRC points with Luke, who has been a great dog both in the field and in the home. My previous beloved “joey” was a black lab who never reached his potential due to my lack of knowledge and experience training. After laying Joey to rest in my back yard, I looked in the Loveland paper the next day for a black lab litter and surprised Jeanine with little Lucas.
Then I joined Platte Valley. Luke and I have been graciously helped by the members of PVHRC during the last 11 years. Some of you recall when Luke spent his time at training days and hunt tests not in a kennel, but in the back of my station wagon with the window rolled down. No wonder he was so wound up when he got to the line.
Luke and I were introduced to waterfowl hunting when he was one year old after achieving his SHR title. I was not fortunate to knock anything down, but the group next door to me did not have a dog and Luke happened to mark one of their downed mallards. So I asked them, would you like my dog to get that for you? Luke made an exceptional first retrieve and after delivering to hand the youth in the group said “wow!” Luke continued to “wow” others I have hunted with throughout his entire life especially with his blind retrieving skills.
Luke became famous in HRC during a finished test that was judged by Mark Powell and Larry Davis at Teal Lodge. After sending Luke after the memory bird, I failed to realize that he over-ran it only to pick up the blind. I asked Luke to “give!” and he spit out the blind bird. I then handled him to the mark he over-ran and then ran the blind, some would say for the second time. I was fortunate to get a ribbon that day and did not expect it. It was a testimony to the desire Luke had to please me, which made me very proud.
Thank you all who have been a part of Luke’s journey, which will no longer include hunt tests, but will be sprinkled with a little easy hunting now and then.
Mike Brockman and Ozzie
Mike Brockman and Ozzie achieved 500 points in 2010. Ozzie’s full name and titles are HRCH Atchafalya Roux’s Wild Ozzie. From Mike:
Earning the 500 point jacket has been a goal of mine since seven years ago when I was researching potential litters for my new puppy. I have heard so many times “You get more out of your training efforts than what you put into it”. I have followed that mantra and have invested a lot of resources into this effort and it is really paying off. Those efforts have resulted in Ozzie becoming a pretty good Hunt Test dog, a great hunting dog and equally important to me is a loving, character filled pet to my family and myself. There have been many ups and downs along the way and I could not have completed this goal without the support of my wife and the thousands of bumpers my sons have thrown over the years. Along with that, I have received so much help, encouragement, and an occasional butt kicking from the members of Platte Valley HRC and especially my “mentors” (Rich Carpenter, Joe Olson and Willie Ratliff). I couldn’t have done it without so much help from PVHRC and I hope to return the favor to the other members who could use the help. Thanks!
Joe Olson and Sunny
Joe Olson and Sunny achieved 500 points in 2010. Sunny’s full name and titles are HRCH Little Big Boy’s Girl Sunshine. From Joe:
I suppose that hanging around long enough to get 500 points is a testament to the fun and, more importantly, the friends who have made it worthwhile to stay involved. Thank you to all who have helped Sunny and me. We could not have gotten this far without the help and support of PVHRC and the good folks who make the club what it is.
Mark Powell and Spike
Mark Powell and Spike achieved 500 points in 2010. Spike’s full name and titles are HRCH Wasatch’s Golden Spike. From Mark:
Training and handling Spike to his 500 point level has been a fun but wild ride! For a dog with such a keen nose and has been hunting pheasants all but his first 18 months of age while he trained with Kenny Trott-he’s been a challenge to control. A good trainer once told me you don’t want a dog that won’t “break” now and then so I guess I want Spike god bless him. I suppose I’ve shot close to a 1000 pheasants, grouse, and quail over him and have loved every minute. Now that’s all he needs to do and stay healthy. Thanks HRC for all the good times!
Ed Raczka and Jack
Ed Raczka and Jack achieved 500 points.
Rich Carpenter and Roux
Rich Carpenter and Roux achieved over 2,5000 points over the course of Roux’s career! Roux was one of the most talented and consistent dogs ever seen in Region 13. First picture is with Chelsea Riggs and Ranger, of the Panhandle Club in Bridgeport, Nebraska. Roux and Ranger received 2,000 and 500 points respectively on that day.