Archive for February, 2021

Pups: Thinking Finished from the Very Beginning, Part 5

by Rich Carpenter Making Blinds Fun for the Dog and the Trainer.  Having a dog that can run good blind retrieves is very important for a good hunting retriever.  Admittedly I’m not the best duck shot in the world, but I’m much more apt to drop a bird that my dog will not see to […]


Upland Training Day

PVHRC will be hosting an upland training day on Saturday, February 27.  If you’re a club member and are interested in getting some pheasants for your dog and attending the upland training, please contact me at: to reserve some birds.  If you’re not a member but this sounds like something you and your dog […]


Pups: Thinking Finished from the Very Beginning, Part 4

by Rich Carpenter Force Fetch. The first thing that popped into my head when I thought about writing on this subject was wondering, over the years, how many brand new club members have been discouraged from getting active by someone telling them at their first PV training day, “Well, first you need to get an […]


Pups: Thinking Finished from the Very Beginning, Part 3

by Rich Carpenter Exposing a pup to the idea of casting through play teaching is seen as a good idea by some and as pretty much a waste of time by others.  I guess you pay your money and take your pick.  I’m a believer in it, but then it fits into my general philosophy […]